Jack-of-all-trades - Übersetzung nach niederländisch

Jack-of-all-trades - Übersetzung nach niederländisch

Jack-of-all-trades; Jack Of All Trades; Jack of All Trades; Jack of all Trades (album); JOAT; Jack Of All Trades (album); Jack of all Trades; Jack of all trades (disambiguation); Jack of All Trades (film)

twaalf ambachten en dertien ongelukken
manusje van alles      
Jack and Jill         
  • Musical setting by Charles Burney (1777)
  • From ''Mother Goose's Melody'' (1791 edition)
  • The plaque erected in 2000 at [[Kilmersdon]] to commemorate the village's association with the rhyme
Jack & Jill; Jack and jill; Jack and Jill (nursery rhyme); Jack&Jill; Jack and Jill (song); Jack & Jill(film); Jack & Jill (film); Jack And Jill; Jack and Jill (film); Jack and Gill
David en Jonathan, de geliefden en de aangenamen


also jack of all trades (jacks-of-all-trades)
If you refer to someone as a jack-of-all-trades, you mean that they are able to do a variety of different jobs. You are also often suggesting that they are not very good at any of these jobs.


Jack of all trades

Jack of all trades may refer to:

  • Jack of all trades, master of none, an aphorism
  • "Jack of All Trades", a term to reference one with the ability to be proficient in many areas of life
Aussprachebeispiele für Jack-of-all-trades
1. of a jack of all trades.
Crafting Asian American Stories _ Abigail Hing Wen & Dani Melia _ Talks at Google
2. known as, a Jack of all trades.
Astrophysics for Babies _ Chris Ferrie _ Talks at Google
3. KELLY MARSHALL: So jack of all trades probably
Building RXBAR _ Sam McBride _ Talks at Google
4. just you're forced to become a jack of all trades.
Sam Tsui _ Establishing a Music-Focused YouTube Channel _ Talks at Google
5. it was a jack-of-all-trades, master of none--
Hit Makers - The Science of Popularity _ Derek Thompson _ Talks at Google
Beispiele aus Textkorpus für Jack-of-all-trades
1. This Jack of all trades government cannot finish anything.
2. Barack Obama‘s jack–of–all trades, earning about $2,300 a month.
3. He was ‘Jack of all trades‘ for general Mladic," McCloskey said.
4. Spiky and bitchy I wonder if she is in danger of becoming a jack–of–all–trades?
5. He can‘t be an expert on absolutely everything!‘ The fact is I‘m a jack of all trades really.